About SoulBuddy

Our Mission

Our mission is to help people spread their kindness and to reward them accordingly.

Our App

SoulBuddy is a free video-chat app for people aged 16+, where users, who we call “SoulBuddies”, previously unknown to each other, chat over a video call for 5 minutes and afterwards score each other’s 1-on-1 performance based on criteria, such as kindness, authenticity and respect.

SoulBuddies are selected randomly and anonymously.

The chats, which we call “SoulBuddy Talks”, do not focus on any specific topics and there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. The winning argument is ‘kindness’ and whatever it takes to make your opposite SoulBuddy happier

Every Sunday at 8:00pm, the SoulBuddy Points you earn are automatically converted into SoulBuddy Tickets.

100 SoulBuddy Points equal 1 SoulBuddy Ticket.

Every Sunday at 21:00, a SoulBuddy Award raffle will take place in which 200 SoulBuddy Ticket holders will win Amazon vouchers worth no less than €20.

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